Use cases

The iSHARE Trust Framework describes three primary use cases, explaining the basic design and implementation of the Trust Framework:

The three primary use cases are supported by seven secondary use cases.

A more practical description of the frameworks functionality is provided in these four example use cases.

These use cases provide a generic overview of functionality the framework provides. In order to get a more practical view on provided functionality by this particular data space, it is suggested to provide real life examples under this page, that resonate with (potential) data space participants.

DSSC description

The value of a data space stems from its use cases. Data space use cases are specific settings where two or more participants use a data space to create business, societal or environmental value from data sharing. Use Case Development aims to amplify such value of a data space. Use cases are operational settings. Not yet operational, planned or envisaged settings are called use case scenarios.

The consecutive and partially iterative core elements of Use Case Development are identification and monitoring of use case scenarios, refinement of use case scenarios, and use case implementation. New ideas for potential future use cases are generated in the identification and monitoring of use case scenarios process element. Use case implementation enables the realisation of best use case scenarios into operative use cases once their details have been set and viability tested in refinement of use case scenarios. Refinement of use case scenarios is the most central element. It includes, at the minimum, the setting of the purpose and value of the use case, the parties participating in the use case, and the necessary data flows of the use case. The three other elements of Use Case Development that are simultaneous with and supportive of refinement of use case scenarios are brokering and ensuring synergies, support for value sharing in use cases, and ensuring adherence to principles.

The complete description is available here.

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